Sharh of Hadeeth


Questioner: How should this hadeeth “Every servant would be raised (in the very state) in which he dies” be understood?

Dr Sharof: This hadeeth means that your resurrection will be good if you die upon goodness, that is, Islaam, (while) your resurrection will be unpleasant if you die upon disbelief or hypocrisy. Na’am!

[Source: Majmoo’al-Fataawa Dr Sharof]

Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey


Questioner: Assalaamu ‘alaykum

Dr Sharof: Wa’alaykumu ssalaam

Dr Sharof: It is not good, it is not good; one should rather be from the party of Allaah. (Allaah says), “…Unquestionably, the party of Allaah, they are the successful.” [Soorah al-Mujaadilah (58):22] One should join the party of Allaah and not Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United. What for? What do we need it for? If you join one of these (clubs), your blood pressure may rise unnecessarily. I hope you are also aware. For instance, if you attach the sticker ‘up Chelsea/up blues’ to your car and Allaah makes your club to be beaten 7-0 by Man United, and you have forgotten that the sticker is on your car, so a person drives past you and says “Up Man U, up Man U” and you remember that the sticker on your car is “Up blues”, your blood pressure will rise and then you will place a curse upon the person. Why bother? They are displaying insanity over there while you are imitating them here. Does it concern you? Who cares if they are beaten 100-0? Why bother? Iro lasan! That’s it.

Source: Majmoo’al-Fataawa of Dr Sharof Gbadebo Raaji (may Allaah lengthen his life upon goodness)

Transcribed and compiled by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey


Questioner: A brother and a sister have agreed to marry each other, but it later became clear to the sister that the brother is not upon an authentic ‘aqeedah. Can she annul the agreement?

Dr Sharof: All praise is for Allaah alone. They wish to marry each other and they have agreed to marry, but it later became clear that the brother’s ‘aqeedah is not authentic, for example, he is an Ahmadee. Should they still carry on?

Why will you marry a disbeliever? You must not marry him. A Muslim must not marry a disbeliever. Such thing happened in a village and in this case they have married (each other). The brother pretended as if he was a Muslim upon the Sunnah. He had married the sister before it became clear that he was an Ahmadee. In fact, he is one of the people propagating Ahmadiyyah in that village. So the people who were upon Sunnah were asking how to resolve the issue because she had already bore him two children. We responded that the marriage is null and void from the day it became clear that he was an Ahmadee because Allaah does not permit a believing woman to marry a disbelieving man. This is because the Ahmadees are disbelievers. They believe that there is another Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (sollaLloohu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and whosoever believes this (assertion) is a disbeliever. There is no more marriage between them. This is regarding the people who had married let alone a person who is yet to get married. When we were asked about what they could do, we advised that one of them should marry her as a second or third wife, (but) they were reluctant about it. So I interrogated them as to how they will aid the Muslims if they cannot take the pain to do something like this. Na’am. That is it.

[Source: Q&A session of the tape, “The virtues of Aaishah”]

Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey

Question and Answer with Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan

Questioner: May Allaah lengthen your live sir!

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Upon goodness!

Questioner: May Allaah make our strivings that which will benefit us on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Aameen!

Questioner: Sir, my question is, when you were teaching us the supplication after ablution, you said, ‘Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illaLlaah wahdahu laa shareekalah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rosuuluh Allaahumma aj’alni min al-tawwaabeen waj’alni…

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Cuts in…min al-mutatahhireen

Questioner: …min al-mutatahhireen

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Na’am!

Questioner: wa ja’alni mina ‘ibaadika Saaliheen.

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Na’am!

Questioner: I usually say the supplication completely to “wa ja’alni mina ‘ibaadika Saaliheen”.

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Na’am!

Questioner: So there was a day a brother drew my attention to the fact that it (i.e. “wa ja’alni mina ‘ibaadika Saaliheen”) is not inclusive.

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Yes, there is a lengthy discussion on the last part of the supplication. There are some scholars who hold that the narrations that mentioned it are all weak but if combined they will add a good meaning to it. But that which brings peace of mind is to stop at “waj’alni min al-mutatahhireen”. Na’am!

Questioner: JazaakumuLlaahu khayran!

Shaykh Najmuddeen bn Sulaymaan: Wa antum fajazaakumuLlaahu khayran!

[SOURCE: Q&A session of the tape, “Ablution of the Prophet”]

Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey

Ruling on eating Ducks by Dr Sharof Gbadebo Roojee

Questioner: What is the ruling on eating ducks?

Dr Sharof: Firstly, what is the relationship between ducks and what we are discussing?

The Congregation: Laughing mode activated!

Dr Sharof: We are explaining the Prophet’s methodology regarding ‘Eid-al-Fitr, but you are asking about eating ducks. If your question is, ‘Can we slaughter ducks as our sacrificial animal (on the day of ‘Eid) instead of ram?’, then it would have been (more) meaningful.

The Congregation: Laughing mode activated!

Dr Sharof: One of our predecessors said he does not mind slaughtering a fowl for ‘Eid, but this is not enough as evidence. No one should say ‘but one of the Salaf said so and so’. He only said it as an indication that…(this statement was not completed by Shaykh because he saw a person praying without facing the Qiblah, so he said: ‘ask that person praying to face the Qiblah; he is not facing the Qiblah’). (So he continued), he only said it as an indication that there is no harm if the sacrificial animal is not as big as a ram. He is only saying that he does not mind slaughtering an animal that is smaller than a ram. That is what he meant by that statement.

As for Al-Battoh (Duck), there is no harm in eating it. It is permissible to eat it in the Sharee’ah, and we do not know of anything from the Sharee’ah indicating that we can only eat its meat with the exception of the head. It depends on you; if you can eat its head, then eat it and lick its stew enjoyably. However, if you are not convenient with eating it, that is your decision. As for saying that we should not eat ducks, there is no law which says it should not be eaten.

[SOURCE: Q&A session of the tape, “The Explanation of the Prophet’s methodology regarding ‘Eid-al-Fitr”]

Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey

The ignorance of Habeeb, the Mudeer of Markaz Agege by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey


Perfections be to Allaah alone; prayers and peace be upon the noblest of mankind.

Over the years, Mr Habeeb, the “Olori Olodo of Nigeria”, had strategically attacked the Sunnah and its people, especially during the times of Romodoon when the slaves of Allaah are busy increasing their good deeds. Praise be to Allaah that he had been refuted appropriately. However, it is painful that some ignoramuses and some people with no sincerity whatsoever are busy supporting him and raining curses on the slaves of Allaah who have been exposing his ignorance and weak positions.

Know, may Allaah rectify our affairs and yours, that despite the bravado and bombast of your teacher (Habeeb, OON), he made the following errors.

1⃣ He claimed that there is nothing like Sunnah.

2⃣ He said the Prophet contradicted the Qur’aan by having sex with his wives during their menstruations according to Imaam Al-Bukhoree.

3⃣ He said that the Prophet behaved like a horse according to Imaam Al-Bukhoree.

4⃣ He claimed that the Prophet raped according to Al-Bukhooree.

5⃣ He claimed that Aboo Hurayrah said all dogs should be killed.

6⃣ He claimed that Imaam Bukhooree contradicted himself regarding the ablution of the Prophet.

7⃣ He claimed that AbduLlaah Ibn ‘Umar reported a violent hadeeth (the eighth hadeeth of Al-arbaoun of Al-Imaam Nawawee).

8⃣ He claimed that Imaam Bukhooree said Solaatu Ssubh is 4 Rak’aat.

9⃣ He said, ‘Soheeh Bukhooree is the filthiest book after the Qur’aan’.

🔟 He said anyone who says Soheeh Bukhoree is a good book is a stupid ignoramus.

1⃣1⃣ He claimed that Imaam Bukhoree is not eloquent in Arabiyyah.

1⃣2⃣ He said the Madhaab of ‘wahaabiyyah’ is the origin of the all the fitnah in the world.

1⃣3⃣ He said, Who is Shaykh Ibn Baaz’? What work did he do (for Islaam)’? “Which book did Ibn Baaz write in his life? Is it those few pages book that makes him to become a scholar?’’, “Who is ‘Uthaymeen?’’, “who is Ibn Baaz?’’, “who is Albaanee?’’

1⃣4⃣ He said it is stupidity to greet by just saying Assalaamu ‘alaykum, you must bow.

1⃣5⃣ He said the Prophet used to open his eyes whenever he sleeps.

1⃣6⃣ He also said whenever the Prophet walks, his hands would be stuck by his sides without moving.

1⃣7⃣ He also claimed that the Prophet would turn his head at angle 360 degree whenever he wants to look back. That is, while moving towards the north his head could be facing the south, just like that of a robot…SubhaanaLlaah!

1⃣8⃣ He and one of his dull students said, “This hadeeth is reported by Haafidh Ibn Hijr’’ (while the correct name of the scholar is Ibn Hajar).

1⃣9⃣ He also claimed that Prophet ‘Eesa is dead and will never return.

If we start writing on each of his errors, there is no doubt that we will write volumes of books on them. Grumble if you want to, your Mudeer is undoubtedly a dunce living in disgrace.

We ask Allaah to grant us a better understanding of this religion and to keep us steadfast upon the undiluted Islaam.

I beseech Allaah to show us the truth as being the truth and grant us its following, and to show us misguidance as misguidance, and to make it easy for us to abstain from it.

May prayers and peace be upon Muhammad (sollaLloohu ‘alayhi wa sallam), his respected households and companions, and on the generality of the Muslims till the end of time.

Written by Aboo Aishah Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey

A brief explanation on the categories of Ahadeeth by Dr Sharof Gbadebo Roojee

Questioner: What are the explanations on Hadeeth Soheeh, Hasan, and Do’eef?

Dr Sharof: Al Hadeeth Soheeh, Al Hadeeth Hasan, and Al Hadeeth Do’eef are the three main categories from the wide classification of Ahadeeth. Soheeh has categories; Hasan has categories; and Do’eef has categories. Do’eef has the widest categorization.

Simply put, if a narration is said to be Soheeh, it means that its chain of transmission requires no comment. It has been transmitted in an authentic way. This is regarding hadeeth Soheeh, just like the ahadeeth in Soheeh Bukhooree and Soheeh Muslim. This means there is no objection as to its chain of transmission.

Hadeeth Hasan is a narration that almost meets the requirement of Soheeh, but the people who reported it are not as sound as that of the people of Soheeh Hadeeth. For example, a person from those who reported it is good at listening and memorization, but he may not be exact in transmission. For example, the statement he heard may come with ‘waaw’ while he reports it as ‘faa’; (like) reporting wadhahaba (And he goes/departs) as fadhahaba (Then he goes/departs). The scholars would say a person like this should be noted. As for the one who writes ahadeeth whenever he hears them but has a bad handwriting such that whenever he recites the ahadeeth there are minor mistakes, his hadeeth will be Hasan. And so on.

As for Do’eef, it implies that there is a liar amongst the reporters or there is a person in the narration who has forgotten all the ahadeeth he reported or the narrator relates the hadeeth from a person he never met. For example, he says, ‘so and so told me…’, and it is discovered from the history of his life that the person had died before he was born. Did they meet in the grave? Therefore, this kind of hadeeth is Do’eef.

(Sometimes) it is certain that he (the narrator) heard it from a person who lived with that person he ascribed it to, but he does not want to mention the person’s name because the person is a liar. Do you understand? That is why it will be regarded as Do’eef. That is why if one is well versed in Mustolah, people cannot deceive one with lies. Nowadays such thing is obvious. For example, if a person hears a statement from someone who heard it from another person who also heard from another person that the VC said ‘so and so’ and he reports it as, ‘the VC addressed us saying such and such’. How is this correct? This is what is referred to as Tadlees. The people who are in the chain are not mentioned and yet he says the VC said ‘such and such’. How come? Do you understand? If a person gives you this kind of report, ask him to tell you the time and give you other details. Do you understand? This is what is regarded as Tadlees. So if a person brings a statement without telling us who he heard it from, it will be regarded as Do’eef. Statements like that are neglected.

That is why the scholars have said if you apply the principles used in ahadeeth transmission upon the people who exist today, only (the statements of) few people will be regarded as important. For example, a person travels to Libya and comes back to Nigeira saying, “when I was with Shaykh Albaanee, we discussed ‘so and so’”. How possible is this? On what day (did the meeting take place)? He is saying it because he knows that he can easily deceive you. Another person says, ‘there was a day we were discussing with Shaykh Ibn Baaz’. When did you go to his residence? You know there are many people who deceive others with statements like this in Nigeria. A person may claim that he studied under the tutelage of Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen. I hope you understand. This is what is regarded as Tadlees. Na’am. This is what is regarded as Hadeeth Do’eef. The discussions regarding ahadeeth Do’eef is the reason for the extensiveness of ‘Ilm al-Mustolah. This is because there are many categories of Do’eef. Na’am.

🌹🌲[SOURCE: Questions and Answers Session of the tape, “Introduction to Buluughul Muroom at Ogbomoso”]🌲🌹

Transcribed by 🏮Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey🏮

Refrain from taking knowledge from the people of innovation by Dr Sharof Gbadebo Roojee


Questioner: Is it permissible to attend the lessons of the people of Jama’aat especially if there are traces of Sunnah with them?

Dr Sharof: Firstly, the traces of Sunnah with them is not the most important thing, rather it is the Sunnah itself. This is because the traces of something does not (necessarily) portray it. I hope it is understood. The traces of something does not (necessarily) portray it. Attend the lessons of the adherents of Sunnah. This is because a person who is not an adherent of Sunnah can brainwash you and it is not easy to eradicate everything that sticks to your brain. There are some evil ideas one have heard right from childhood and have not been formated from one’s ideology. How much more when these ideologies are passed to you at an adult stage? That’s it. It’s not about having some traces of Sunnah; be an adherent of Sunnah.

Praise be to Allaah, you do not have the excuse of saying there are no adherents of Sunnah in your community and that you’re forced (to take lessons from them); you’re not forced. There are adherents of Sunnah; learn from them. That’s it…

🌹🌲[SOURCE: Q&A Session of the tape, “Explanation of Ma’aarijul Qabul at Ibadan”; DATE: 15-07-2018]🌲🌹

Transcribed by 🏮Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey🏮

How to make use of the gift of a Christian by Dr Sharof Gbadebo Roojee

Is it permissible to slaughter an animal given to me as a gift by a Christian for ‘Eid? 

Dr Sharof: If a non-Muslim gives you a ram as a gift saying it is for ‘Eid, (should you accept it)? Yes, you can accept the gift of a non-Muslim just as the Prophet used to accept the gift of the Jews. Whatever is given to you as a gift can be used for anything, but do not use it for whatever contradicts the command of Allaah. Do not make use (of a gift given to you) for whatever contradicts the command of Allaah. If not that the Prophet used to accept the gift of the disbelievers we would have asked you not to accept it, but do not accept the money of a disbeliever if you want to build a mosque. We do not need such money! We do not need such money!! That is it.

🌹🌲[Source: Adapted from our transcript of the tape, “The Explanation of the Prophet’s methodology regarding ‘Eid”]🌲🌹

Transcribed by 🏮Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey🏮

Who should not eat before setting out to the prayer-place on the day of Eid by Dr Sharof Gbadebo Roojee

Questioner: (As for) the statement asserting that one should not eat before setting out for the prayer-place, is it for those who have animals to slaughter or are those who help others to slaughter their animals included in the statement? 

Dr Sharof: The statement is applicable to those who have animals to slaughter for themselves and by themselves, rather than the one who aids people to slaughter their animals. The statement is not applicable to the one who help others to slaughter their animals because he has no animal to slaughter for himself. For this reason, the one who helps others to slaughter their animals can eat (before setting out for the prayer-place). That is why the Prophet does not eat before going to the prayer-place during ‘Eid-al-Adha other than the’ Eid of Romodoon in which he would eat three dates. So that is why he used to observe the prayer of ‘Eid-al-Adha earlier, because of the consideration of the time needed to complete the prayer, and the time required for those who haven’t eaten to go back home. This is for the one who has an animal to slaughter other than the one who has no animal to slaughter.

If there is anyone who wants to follow suit because (Allaah says), “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent pattern…”, and he wants to abstain from eating because our leader does not eat before going to the prayer-place, we beseech Allaah to make you earn the reward, even when you have no animal to slaughter. We beseech Allaah to make you earn reward (for such act).

[Source: Explanation of the Prophet’s methodology regarding ‘Eid]

Transcribed by Aboo Aaishah Al Odeomeey